Exhibition in Looe Guildhall – Exhibiting where ‘Beyond Paradise’ was filmed in Looe Cornwall!

When searching through old photos from my personal blog, I found a batch of images showcasing the day I and some fellow artists clubbed together to display our work to the general public.

The location of this exhibition was held in the Guildhall in East Looe. The same Guildhall now used as part of the film set for the BBC crime drama, Beyond Paradise – or so I believe based on what I have seen of the program. Although, I could be mistaken.

I could see why this building would appeal as a film set… As an artist, I believe this building made a great backdrop and display space. It is positioned perfectly in the heart of East Looe. It was atmospheric, brimming with ‘old town’ heritage, and ideal for space to set up and show our work.

In retrospect, I wish I had more money to do more with that day.

Guildhall Looe Exhibition: When was it held?

The exhibition was held in June 2011.

I have since been involved with other smaller-scale exhibitions/displays mostly in Cornwall, but the ones in Looe always have a sentimental space, with Looe being my hometown – and – a big source of inspiration for folklore.

Who exhibited their work?

The exhibition showcased the work of artists both local and non-local. Here is a shortlist of those that exhibited their work.

  • – Myself – Jimm, Jim or ‘JD illustration‘, artist, weirdo a dark cupboard dweller
  • – Julia Odell – My sister and award-winning painter ( https://www.juliaodell.gallery/about )
  • Vicky Doodles, Illustrator and esteemed children’s book designer
  • – Aaron Valerio – Painter & Artist from my hometown of Looe

Exhibition in Looe Guildhall 2011 | Photography & Documentation

As custodian of the past, I felt it worthwhile to show these photos once again on my newer and dedicated art blog. If not for my own sentimentality and to show that I enjoy running exhibitions. Then to preserve a minuscule moment in my history.

Here are some of those old pictures. Shot on a simple point and click Kodak digital camera ( 4.6 megapixels from memory )

Exhibtion in Looe Guildhall
Exhibtion in Looe Guildhall a tables in the guild hall with artwork on
Vicky Doodles table - Exhibtion in Looe Guildhall
VD table too in the Guildhall Looe
Another table in the guild halll Looe - Julia Odell

Hindsight | What I would have liked to have done differently at the Guildhall exhibition

That particular art exhibition was put together on a shoestring budget, with very little in the way of accessible transport for myself or the other artists involved. It was ramshackle and somewhat minimal to be brutally honest.

If I had the money. I would do different, just from the experience of showcasing work!

I can recall creating some pieces of artwork to show for that particular exhibition! They are shown and mentioned below:-

White Hare looe

A special thanks to the artists and Wally Scarah

Thank you to all those involved. From memory, there were 1 or 2 strange characters and some rudeness on that day, but by and large, I look back on this exhibition with fondness.

Thank you for taking the time to look at some of these old photos of the Guildhall interior. There was also a photo that I decided not to include in this post, it inspired the project I carried out for the a manor in Cornwall, but that is a subject for another day.

You may also find these posts interesting based around Looe and exhibitions.


Exhibition held on the date of June, Summer 2011, Guildhall Looe

Credits: JD Illustration ( Jim ), Julia Odell, Vicky Doodles, Aaron Valerio

Exhibition in Looe Guildhall 2011| Original post can be read here: Source