by artz2019 | Feb 26, 2020 | Drawings
This video clip shows me adding white space to a piece of artwork and preparing it for the print in a hyper-lapse video. There is very little to write about this apart from sit back enjoy as I brush away the scuff and marks from the pencils drawing. This video shows...
by artz2019 | Feb 13, 2020 | Drawings
These creature drawings were salvaged from my sketchbook and I felt that they deserved a bit of daylight and TLC. These creature drawings were smudged to the point where a lot of the shading had been rubbed off, leaving bald spots and greasy smears across the artwork....
by artz2019 | Feb 10, 2020 | Drawings
Cruel John Coppinger | A Cornish smuggler who kidnapped his wife and blackmailed his mother in law. Sound familiar? I thought I would write a short entry about this infamous smuggler that washed up on the Cornish shores. And if history is correct, then this Dane was a...
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